Kési'art PART 3

9 March 2013

16 candidates left and the votes are open until tomorrow midnight European time. It is tough. You should see the other girls' work. Just amazing. I created a layout with a twist for the third challenge. China was the destination and these were my instructions: Create a project incorporating a THUMBS UP and your world wonder(s). I used an older picture of Damien and Noé which is probably one of my favourites as it shows the special bond they have. As my first-borns they have taught me how to be a mum and the love and affection they have for each other and their brothers is proof I (and DH) must be doing something right. I was so scared I wouldn't be a good mother but looking at them in this picture, makes me realise I am on the right track!
Voici ma page pour l'étape 3. DUR DUR vu toutes les belles réalisations que les autres filles ont créées. J'espère passer à la quatrième étape car cela voudrait dire que je pourrais aller à Paris et c'est une bonne excuse pour amener Monsieur. 



Françoise said...

Coucou, c'est un beau parcours... bisette bon dimanche

cat123 said...

ta page est superbe, ton style (et la bouille de tes chérubins) reconnaissable entre tous, je croise les doigts pour toi !!!

Emlilo said...

Superbe et félicitations pour la suite avec Bali.
Bonne journée.

fifine51 said...

C'est juste SUPERBE !!!!
J'adooooooore :-)

sylvie59 said...

j'adore!! ta page st magnifique!!

Theme by: Pish and Posh Designs