You can see the full layout here: Sizzix blog.
Hearts (sizzix)
30 December 2014
You can see the full layout here: Sizzix blog.
28 December 2014
As I was looking through some of my files on the computer I came across this layout which I forgot to post here. I made it just before transitioning to the 8.5*11 size. I love the new format but the 12*12 still seems easier to work with. I feel that there isn't enough white space on the 8.5*11 format.
The supplies used for this layout came from one of the many Studio Calico kits I have lying around. I really should use them more.
I also forgot to post about my latest Sizzix project. You can see the full layout on the blog HERE.
22 December 2014
I forgot to post a link to my latest sizzix project. I went for a layered design using embossing, die cuts and a doily. The 8.5*11 size is really growing on me.
I also created a layout just for fun and used an empty label sheet and some embellishments.
That's all for today but I'll be back soon with more projects.
I also created a layout just for fun and used an empty label sheet and some embellishments.
That's all for today but I'll be back soon with more projects.
13 December 2014
I got another opportunity to create a 5 ideas post for Shimelle's blog using her collection which is fabulous. I created 5 projects. Here are a couple of sneaks. You can see the full projects on Shimelle's blog.(CLICK HERE)
I'll be back later this week with another project. Have a wonderful weekend.
10 December 2014
This week on the sizzix blog I I showcased a layout I created. My youngest was thrilled when we got our first snow (it wasn't a lot but enough for hours of joy). Just before he went out to play I snapped a picture of him in his warm coat.
Here is a sneak peek of the layout. You can see the entire layout on the sizzix blog here: Ready for winter.
7 December 2014
Just popping by to show a layout I made last week. I took up the challenge to use the 8.5*11 size and I am enjoying it even though I still find it a lot harder. I love white space and as the size is smaller there is less space. I am going to keep on working with this size for a few more weeks. I can always switch back later if I want to.
I am still working with my Studio Calico kits. I only get the main kit but as I am scrapbooking a lot less the supplies are piling up.
I went for a soft colour scheme and added a bit of machine stitching.Thanks for stopping by.
3 December 2014
It is December and we had our first snow today. Not a lot but the two youngest were ecstatic. December is also one of the busiest months. 3 birthdays, exams at my school which means LOTS of correcting to do, planning bday parties, Christmas, music auditions, choir performance, .... I love this time of year but it is hectic and that makes it a little less fun. I am trying to enjoy every minute and takes things as they come.
I have a layout to show. The photo was taken on our summer vacation in the south of France. Oh what a wonderful time we had. As you can see I am sticking to the 8,5*11 and I am using up my Studio Calico kits.
I also have a couple of projects on the sizzix blog. Here are some sneak peeks. Just click on the image to see the full post.
And to finish off some photos of Elouan and this winter's first snow:
So excited to see snow:

Il neige .... il neige ....
All ready to play in the snow.
23 November 2014
What? Really? Yes, I found time to make a video. I didn't do a full voice over so if you have any questions about anything just leave them in the comment section.
I decided I needed a change and a challenge in my little scrapbooking world. I sometimes feel the need to do something different, to step out of my comfort zone. I opted for a new size and made a 8.5" by 11" layout (actually A4 size but it is nearly 8.5"by11"). I think it'll be easier to store this size and I'll be able to use my printer for journalling (might be getting a typewriter soon).
I also have a giveaway but to know more about it you'll have to watch the video. I really hope you'll play along.
Just noticed there is a spelling mistake in the journalling. Will have to correct that with a pen. It doesn't really bother me. Mistakes happen.
19 November 2014
I have another layout to show. This one was made a couple of weeks ago and I forgot to post it. I used up some of my Studio Calico kits that I had laying around.
I really hope to find time to make a video on Friday so this weekend it should be ready.
I really hope to find time to make a video on Friday so this weekend it should be ready.
18 November 2014
My life has been extremely busy since school has started. I am working more for school as I have new courses and due to that I have less time for scrapbooking. I would love to create more but when I have time I am finding myself trying to relax. I think that maybe I need this at this moment of time. Time just to relax and reflect on life. I am also be drawn more towards spirituality and I also want to watch my children. Watch them grow, watch them be happy and sad, just see them grow up and find their way in life.
When I do have the urge to scrapbook and I sit down for 30 minutes not more and just have fun.
I created this layout a couple of days ago. Simple and just FUN to create. (supplies: Studio Calico kit)
I also have a blog post up on the sizzix blog with some Christmas tags. Would love it if you'd stop by. Just click on the image.
3 November 2014
I decided, just for fun to apply to the Freckled Fawn design team. I didn't get picked which is okay. Since I have drastically reduced my design team obligations, I have very little assignments. This is very freeing but at the same time I love a challenge and the DT call was a challenge. Here are two more layouts I created for the call.
Hope to find some time for a video soon. I really miss making videos.
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