Summer colour video 2

16 July 2013

I wanted to post the next episode of the colour video series yesterday but I ran out of time so it is today. Next week all will be on schedule. 
Today I am focusing on using 2 colours on a layout (with addition of neutral like white/black). I pulled out lots of scraps I had lying around and found that by just using two colours I managed to find a variety of products really quickly and wasn't wondering if they would match or not. Like with the first video, please play along and create a layout with two main colours. Just link up using the link-up tool. I'll pick a winner at the end of the month.

Cette semaine, j'ai décidé de me concentrer sur l'utilisation de deux couleurs (blanc et noir = "neutre"). Comme pour la premier vidéo vous pouvez créer votre page et l'ajouter à l'outil Link-Up. A la fin de l'été, je choissirai une gagante.

(Sorry for the quality of the video. I tried to fix it but didn't succeed).


Yesterday my July 213 in 2013 video went up on the TwoPeasInABucket site. I created a colourful summery double page layout and I really enjoyed creating a double pager. 
To view my 213 in 2013 video, just click here. You can play along and maybe win a gift voucher to the store and you'll also be able to see my supply list.

Happy scrapping.


Diana Waite said...

GREAT color combos on your layouts!

cat123 said...

ouahhhhhhhhhh 2 pages MAGNIFIQUES, je suis particulièrement FAN FAN FAN de la 1ère, avec mon combo préféré. Juste sublime !!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

i so enjoy watching your process, your layouts are amazing and i think you have such awesome talent. thank you for sharing!

Sandra said...

Thanks for these amazing summer videos! :) Totally love them! And I also added my layout to the list ;)

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