SIMPLY STYLISH : my class at Miss Art's!

13 December 2011

A while ago Alyssa asked me if I would teach a class over at Miss Art's Papercrafting. I didn't think twice and excepted. I love teaching and making videos so this was just ideal! I had so much fun creating this class and it'll start soon!!!! Very soon. It'll be up on the 20th of December!!!! Want to have a sneak peek?
Il ya quelques temps Alyssa m'a demandé de créer un cours pour MissArt's Papercrafting. J'ai accepté et j'ai un cours qui s'appelle: SIMPLY STYLISH. Voici un aperçu. 
Well there's a bit of this
 a hint of mist

and oodles of stamping

 Have a look the the promotion video and you are more than welcome to join in and have lots of fun creating!


Pam said...

How exciting!!! I would love to learn some things from you;)

Anabelle O'Malley said...

So awesome!!! Love your sneaks.

Unknown said...

Oooh, génial!!!

Cassandra aka Scrap Savvy said...

Congrats Lilith! I am thrilled for you. Love your sneeks!:)

Stacey Michaud said...

that is very exciting! Your peeks look fantastic!

Sherri said...

I'd say you've got it goin' on girl! Congratulations Lilith!

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