Sunday Video

12 January 2014

Another one. YES, I managed to film another layout. Once I'm in the groove I can be quite productive. This time I used the Scraptastic January Kit: TONGUE TIED and its ADD on. As you can see I went for the pink orange yellow colour combo once again but it is my favourite at the moment. I might have 4 boys but that hasn't stopped me using PINK. 

If you have any specific requests for video content just leave a comment and I'll talk about it in the next one.



Chantal Vandenberg said...

Oh wow this is AMAZING!!! Love it!

Unknown said...

I love that you used pink!! I have 4 boy's too and I'm always trying to slip it in as well!! I LOVE this page!!!

borcherding said...


Célia said...

Waw the colours are amazing!

Lisa Barton said...

Lol this would be perfect for scrappin my 4 girls if you ever want to really indulge in pink!

Theme by: Pish and Posh Designs