Pretty Paper Party

17 October 2011

Would you like to party????? Have some scrappy fun. Well I have a little giveaway for you! 

There are online classes for everything these days, and Shimelle has been teaching online scrapbooking classes for years - but she's decided it's time to kick it up a bit and go from online class to a four-week online party, and you're invited.  Pretty Paper Party ( is the party to attend if you have a collection of paper stacked up for a rainy day, if you have more scraps of paper than you know what to do with (but you know you don't want to throw them away!) and if you've ever put a piece of paper back in your stash because it was just too special for the photos at hand.  Through printable prompts and tutorial videos, Shimelle and dozens of special party guests will share beautiful and innovative techniques you can achieve with the paper you have already collected.

And guess what, I am one of those special guests. Later on this week I'll show you a sneak peek!!!!

And to top it all I have a CLASS PASS to giveaway. Full access to the party and fun. Class started this Monday, but no worries. You can join at any time. What to do??? Just leave a comment here by Friday midnight CEST. I'll randomly pick a winner on Saturday. 

Et alors les filles envie d'une petite fête: Pretty Paper Party ( . Shimelle a crée un cours en ligne pour utiliser tout ce petits morceaux de papier qui vous reste. Des petits challenges et tuyeaux tous les jours. La fête a déjà commencé mais pas de panique. Vous pouvez vous joindre à n'importe quel moment. (Maîtrise minimale de l'anglais nécéssaire!). Shimelle et une douzaines d'invitées (DONT MOI!!!!!) vous ont préparé de quoi scrapper pour un petit moment. ça vous intéresse??? Vous avez de la chance car j'ai un CLASS PASS à donner. Laisser un petit com avant vendredi minuit et samedi je tirais au sort une gagnante!! 


Sherri said...

this is the third time i'm seeing this giveaway today, so i guess i'll finally bite the bullet and throw my hat in the ring. have fun with your class, i'm sure you'll do great!

Anonymous said...

utiliser les chutes de papier? great idea! stop au gaspi, en avant les idées folles!
Fabienne (scrapmam)

Danielle said...

Love online classes because you can do it whenever you want to.

Margie said...

I would love a chance to be in the class!

Tina said...

I would LOVE to win this!! Thanks for the chance Lilith!

Sophie said...

J'adorerais participer à ce cours ! Merci pour l'opportunité !

Meghan said...

J'aime votre blog! Thanks for the chance to win!

Grenouillette said...

Rentabiliser son matos scrap???? en voilà une merveilleuse idée! biz

gems said...

Love your blog, very inspirational! Would love to win this prize as i have never taken part in an online class before!

Unknown said...

Hé, de quoi utiliser tus ces petits buts de papiers que l'n accumule.. mi je suis preneuse aussi :-))

LOLITA said...

Un tiroir rempli de petit morceaux de papiers qui n'attendent qu'à être utilisés. Quelle bonne nouvelle et si en plus on le fait avec des scrappeuses plus talentueuses les unes que les autres. WAOUWWW quel bonheur.

Anonymous said...

oh là là mais quelle bonne idee! moi je tente ma chance! ça me tente vraiment de trop!! merci pour ce petit jeu ! bizz carcajoo

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this it sounds fantastic.

Magali said...

Oh je tente ma chance!!! J'ai hâte d'en savoir plus!

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