If you go out in the woods today

31 October 2011

Well, yesterday, you would have seen these funny bears! Couldn't help listening to that song again.

Be sure to stop by tomorrow for the My Scrapbook Nook BLOG HOP!


vivi la vie said...

Toute souriante ... et une jolie petite famille d'oursons :) Bisouilles

Unknown said...

What a gorgeous family you have Lilith and not too mention the beautiful photo of yourself! Hope you are well..take care :))xx

Carol said...

such a cute little family!!!

So.Creative said...

Quelle jolie famille! So sweet!
Cette photo de toi est superbe, faut absolument la mettre en scène Lilith!!!

Ps: tu es où en Belgique? Ma famille est à Bruxelles et moi je suis du côté de Nice hihi^^

Monique Liedtke said...

LOVE these photos of you and your family!!! Super!!

Sherri said...

how did I miss this entry? What a gorgeous family you have. Your boys are adorable.

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