
12 May 2010

Here's a mini album I finished today with myfour boys: 4 brothers. I have so many photos of them and these are just gorgeous. For each series of photos I added some phrases which I associate with being a brother. Here they are:
1. Being supportive
2.Holding on to memories
3. Showing affection
4.Lying around
5. Becoming a brother
6.Having a laugh
7.Being angry.
Voici un mini terminé aujourd'hui avec mes 4 garçons. Le thème: être frère.


Grenouillette said...

J'aime bcp ce support mini et tu as su en faire un projet très classs !!!

sophie said...

il est super sympa ce mini ! tu ne dois pas t'ennuyer avec tes 4 garçons !

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