27 February 2014

It is time for another Glitz Design layout. I should be getting the new collections soon but as for now I am still enjoying the previous ones. This week we are focusing on incorporating die cuts into our projects. I love my Cameo and it has made scrapbooking so much easier and a lot more fun. For this layout I cut out several words and hearts which I coloured with gelatos. It is so easy to add detail with some die cuts and gelatos. 


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EntreArtistes magazine

26 February 2014

Today I am going to show a layout that was published in the EntreArtistes Magazine in the August-September-October issue of 2012. This layout was made with Crate Paper products and was based on a sketch. That photo of Robin is probably one of my favourites. Seeing him pull up his shorts even though he isn't in the water any longer just makes me laugh.

Esprit Scrapbooking February-March 2013

25 February 2014

Last year I was published in the February-March edition of Esprit Scrapbooking. I have since joined the Design Team and I enjoy creating projects and writing articles. This layout was created based on a sketch. It has all the design elements I love: layering, clustering, silhouette die cuts, ...... As it has been a year since it was published I can finally show it to you. I used the 5th&Frolic collection from Dear Lizzy (American Crafts). You can still find some of the products at the TwoPeas Store at a discount.


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Scrapping with Celine

23 February 2014

Besides the occasional scrappy get together with a couple of friends I usually scrapbook all by myself. I like it that way. When I'm with friends I usually chat more than anything else. Well yesterday I scrapped with Celine still in the comfort of my own scraproom. The sweet Celine Navarro had this great idea we scrapbook together and keep each other updated via instagram/facebook/twitter. I had so much fun even though I was on my own. Some other girls played along too. If you want to see their pics just use #scrappingwithceline on the mentioned social media sites and you'll get to see pics. 

Here is the layout I created and I started a second as well. I'll show you that one soon. For this layout I used the newest American Crafts collections: Daydreamer (Dear Lizzy) and Plus One (Amy Tangerine). They are amazing. 


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Theme by: Pish and Posh Designs