Scrapbooking day

30 April 2010

Yes. Tomorrow is the official scrapbooking day. But there won't be any scrap for me as it's a family day with my in-laws. No scrapping tomorrow so I scrapped today. Layout with Elouan and his favourite toy: his hands. I used a bit of everything: brads, string, stichting, hearts, ... I love the outcome.



29 April 2010

He may be small and he may not walk yet but he doesn't stop moving. His feet are all over the place. This is for you Elouan and your 1st shoes. Layout based on a sketch on the blog : C&S tout simplement.

Il n'a que 7 mois mais il n'arrête pas de bouger. Une petite page basée sur le sketch sur le blog de C&S tout simplement.

What's in a name?

28 April 2010

Page made for a challenge on the forum Just Clean & Fun. No photos allowed. I made a layout about my first name which doesn't have the nicest of meanings but I do like it a lot.
Un page faite pour le forum Just Clean&Fun. Il fallait faire une page sans photo et avec girlande. Voici la mienne.

My other passion.

24 April 2010

You might think that the only thing I like doing is scrapbooking but I do have other passions. One of them is singing. On the blog Sketches by Tamara a great challenge: 
*Create a Layout that includes Journaling about a hobby or talent you have outside of Scrapbooking or Cardmaking.
Well, here's my layout. I used some photoshop brushes (Ali Edwards - bsilivia birds), paper: the girls' paperie; crate paper, flowers and ribbon. My journaling is short but the picture speaks for itself.

Un petit challenge sur le blog: Sketches by Tamara. Il fallait scraper une page avec thème une autre passion que le scrap et ajouter un journaling. 


Sketch/challenge Clean free and combo

22 April 2010

Last page for the game "la bonne paie" on the forum CS Avenue and I used the sketch/challenge Clean Free from the form Le scrap clean and simple. I used the papers from the scraproom's April kit. I'm pleased with the result.


Present for you mum.

21 April 2010

Mum, if you happen to stop by here's a little something I made for you. I love this picture with you and Cisca. Full of love. Hope you like it.

I can't stop ...

19 April 2010

I have got the scrap bug. Another page made with the April kit from the scraproom. A lift for the game on the forum CS Avenue.
This is the page I had to lift. (Don't know who it is from. I'll have a look).
And my page:

Lilith busy bee

18 April 2010

Yes. I can't stop. Another page for the game on CS Avenue. I having a ball. I had to make a page in a style which isn't mine. Shabby it is. (With a tweek and a pinch of Lilith dust)...
J'adore le jeu "La bonne paie". Encore un défi. Faire une page dans un style autre que le notre. J'ai choisi le style shabby. Et voilà le résultat.

That was that. I am off to bed cause tomorrow it is : BACK TO SCHOOL.
Sleep tight.

Chocolate fondant

A great game on the forum CS Avenue and this time I had to make a page using a recipe. Here it is:
Take an oven dish = bazzill paper
smear with butter = use pastels - wax crayons
Mix the flour (patterned paper), the chocolate powder  (photograph), the suger (=touch of transparency) and the milk (title) with 2 eggs (2 brads).
Pour into the dish and put in the oven. Serve with ice-cream (personal touch)

 Pour le jeu sur CS Avenue une scrap'recette;
Prendre 1 plat = papier uni
et la bidigeonner de beurre = craie de cire+pastel.
Mélanger la farine (= papier imprimé), le cacao (=photo), le sucre en poudre (=transparant) et le lait (=un titre) avec les 2 oeufs (2 brads).
Verser dans le plat et cuire. Servir avec une boule de glace (=touche personnel).


Another page this time I had to use 10 buttons.
Encore un défi mais il fallait utiliser 10 boutons.


17 April 2010

A great game on the forum C&A Avenue. And my first challenge: A scraplift.
The page to lift:
And mine:

Doctor House

16 April 2010

What's up with Doctor House, nothing really but on the forum Le scrap clean and simple there was a surprise challenge. Here are the criteria:
photo with a person of the male gender,
the colour blue,
band aid,
and the word doctor or house.

Quel est le lien entre Dr House et le scrap. Très simple. Sur le forum Le scrap clean and simple un petit défi surprise. Il fallait scrapper:
une photo d'un représentant de la genre masculine,
du bleu bien visible,
du sparadrap ou scotch,
le mot docteur ou maison ou house.

Here's my layout:
Voici ma page: April kit

15 April 2010

I was over the moon when I opened the letterbox yesterday. The April kit from the scraproom finally arrived and this is my first page with it. I love the October afternoon papers and I also decided to use the sketch from the week 15 challenge. 
J'étais trop contente hier car le facteur m'a apporté le kit de scraproom de ce mois-ci. J'ai tout de suite fait une page en suivant le sketch qui était sur le blog de scraproom.

Here is the sketch:

And my page:

Give me some colour

9 April 2010

YES! The sun is shining and this afternoon I'm going to start gardening. No planting for the moment. First I'll have to get rid of all the rocks in the soil. Before getting started with my outdoor activity I wanted to show you my latest page. I love Elouan's frown, isn't he cute? The page was made for a challenge on the forum Le scrap clean and simple.
Page to be lifted:
My page:

Dictée30*30 : Le scrap clean and simple.

8 April 2010

A page made for a challenge on the forum Le scrap clean and simple.
Petite dictée 30*30 sur le forum Le scrap clean and simple.


Blog Candy

Envie de participer à un blog candy. Voici le message de MUMU.

Je vous propose aujourd'hui un petit blog candy.
Superbe lot à gagner.
La règle est simple : vous copiez/collez ce message sur vos blogs pour relayer l'info, et vous laissez ensuite un commentaire ici pour participer.

Voilà ce que recevra la personne tirée au sort : le kit complet pour réaliser le mini-album que je vous montrais ICI.


Lot de 10 papiers (4 Bazzills et 6 papiers 4h37), une planche d'étiquettes, des brads, des oeillets, des boutons, des fleurs, de la ficelle, des rubans et une reliure BIA. Il y a également la fiche technique détaillée (17 pages).

Vous avez jusqu'au 15 Avril 23h59 pour participer.



5 April 2010

Challenge on the forum LE scrap clean and simple. Use these colours:
And here's my page:


A dedication to my 5 boys.

Holiday mode

2 April 2010

YES YES YES. Vacation. Silly thing to say as it has only been 3 weeks since I started working again but it is great being able to be with the kids and not having to worry about being on time for school and pushing the children to do their homework. I am really tired but full of energy to do some scrapbooking. My fingers were itching yesterday and today and this is the result.
A mini album with pictures made in the summer of 2009 and a page for a challenge on the forum CS Avenue. 
Enfin.congé. J'ai repris il y a 3 semaines et j'avais déjà besoin de congé. 2 semaines plus relaxes et j'espère beaucoup de moments pour scrapper et pour passer du temps en famille. Je suis fatiguée mais j'ai tellement envie de scrapper que j'ai fait ceci.
Un mini avec des photos de l'été dernier. Et une page pour le défi clustering sur CS Avenue.
The sketch:
My page: 

Theme by: Pish and Posh Designs