Subborn Robin

25 April 2009

At little dedication to Robin who does not let anyone tell him what to do. He knows what he wants.
Une petite page pour Robin qui a un sacré caractère.
paper: 7 gypsies, Flowers: Prima Essentials, Stamp: Artemio

New Header

22 April 2009

As you might have noticed I have been palying around with digital layouts to make a new header. It's a start but I'll have to try again as I am not really pleased with the result. Something I am pleased with is the following page I made yesterday. Very simple but I like it. Sorry for the quality of the picture.
Et oui, j'ai changé d'entête. Je ne suis pas encore satisfaite et je vais encore y travailler un peu. Voici une réa faite hier. Simple mais j'aime bien.

Romantic lift: bulle2scrap

11 April 2009

On the forum bulle2scrap a great challenge: lift the following page. Not an easy task and I didn't really lift it, I was inspired. What do you think?
Sur le forum de Bulle2scrap il y avait un chouette challenge où il fallait lifter cette page. Je ne l'ai pas lifté mais j'ai été inspirée.
My page


9 April 2009

I know! I am a little in advance but I've had enough of the winter and grey skies. I want some sun so why not scrapbook some photographs from last year. Here's a page with Robin sitting on the grass with a lovely blue sky above him.
Fini l'hiver, je veux du soleil et de la chaleur. Alors je scrappe l'été.

Splish splash

8 April 2009

Robin just loves taking baths and he wouldn't miss it for the world. So, what better than a page with a water theme. It was inspired by a sketch on the C&S life forum.
Robin adore prendre son bain alors hommage à ces intants de bonheur. La page a été inspirée d'un sketch sur le forum de C&S life.
First the sketch

then my page:

Cubes and more

5 April 2009

I'm not really in the mood to write so just look at the pictures and enjoy. 3 cubes and a page.
Pas trop envie d'écrire alors je mets simplement les photos.

Theme by: Pish and Posh Designs